6 de jul. de 2011

Excertos de Guardians of Being de Eckhart Tolle

Everything natural - every flower, tree and animal - has important lessons to teach us if we only STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN.

It´s so wonderful to watch an animal, because an animal has no opinion abaut itself. IT IS.

              We have forgotten what rocks, plants and animals still know. We have forgotten how to be - to bel still, to be ourselves, to be where life is : HERE AND NOW.

Most of us live in a world of mental abstraction, conceptualization, and image making - a world of thought. We are immersed in a continuous stream of mental noise. It seems we can't STOP THINKING.

Be alert as you watch a dog play or at rest. Let the animal teach you to fell at home in the now, to CELEBRATE THE LIFE BY BEING COMPLETELY PRESENT.

"The key to transformation is to MAKE FRIENDS WITH THIS MOMENT. What form it takes doesn't matter. Say yes to it. Allow it. Be with it." Oh, that was the dog's teaching. I'm just translating it into words.

We are ultimately not separate, not from one another nor from any living thing - the flower, the tree, the cat, the dog. YOU CAN SENSE YOURSELF IN THEM, the essence of who you are. You could say God. There is a term, a Christian term which is beautiful... LOVING THE CREATOR IN THE CREATURE.

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